We should become acquainted with about his family, early life, early speculations, botches and above all his extremely valuable venture reasoning in this Vinay Kumar Nevatia life story.
Family and Early life:
Not at all like many notable financial specialists in India, Vinay Kumar was brought into the world in a wealthy family. His dad was at that point into securities exchange for more than 20 to 30 years. Senior Nevatia had the option to get a decent pay for his family. He had the option to send his child for concentrate in USA during that period.
Vinay Kumar got his college degree from H.R. School of Commerce and Economics and a MBA from California State University-Northridge. He never needed to engage in financial exchange however on the opposite side his dad had some other thought.

Choice to engage in securities exchange:
Vinay Kumar was the main child of senior Nevatia. So he generally needed to take Vinay back to India with the goal that both can remain nearby to one another. He has attempted ordinarily however everytime he has neglected to persuade his child to put resources into securities exchange. At long last he chose to face enormous challenge to bring him back.
He sent 10,000 to Vinay Kumar Nevatia and said ” Take the cash and distribute it. On the off chance that you twofold the cash, at that point cash is yours, yet in the event that you free no inquiry posed. Just condition is you need to put resources into financial exchange”.

Vinay Kumar acknowledged the wager and put the cash in securities exchange. To his horrible he lost the colossal amount of cash inside a half year of period. As guaranteed by his dad, no inquiry was posed. Senior Nevatia was pitiful on the grounds that his large wager fizzled.
Vinay Kumar was furious and he was disappointed. How could a MBA gradate from an esteemed school in USA free cash that too in a positively trending market? It hurt his self image and he chose to dive into financial exchange.
First enormous wager and ensuing achievement:
His first enormous move in quite a while when Infosys opened up to the world. Having quickly filled in as a coder in the US, he realized Infosys would profit by an immense work exchange. He put Rs 10 lakh in both Infosys and CMC. By 1999, his speculation had become hundredfold. In exemplary Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger style, he’d encountered the upside of holding tight to a decent business.
In 2002-03, preceding the last ‘bull run’ began, Nevatia was bullish on the alcohol business. “It was staggering; the whole alcohol business in India was accessible for Rs 500-odd crore.” His speculation paid off abundantly. He additionally recognized two public area organizations, Bharat Electronic Ltd and Bharat Earth Movers Ltd, and got in right on time. What’s more, he laments not accepting enough.

Expensive mix-ups and exercises:
The primary serious mix-up occurred in the USA when he lost 10,000 USD. He was purchasing seeing back view reflect implies; he was taking a gander at the past buyer market and purchasing stocks which have fallen. Mr Nevatia accepting that as a deal. All fallen stocks don’t really give you deal. That was a costly exercise. His dad comprehended losing cash is a piece of the stock contributing.
Another lament: Not accepting forcefully when the business sectors smashed in 2008. “I had foreseen the fall and was 30% in real money. When I began purchasing, however, the market had just run up,” he says. He hasn’t permitted such a large number of disappointments since.
As an expert he has committed a ton of errors and that exercises have encouraged him in the following 30 years. “There are no misfort”