How quickly things change. Last week, the coronavirus (or Covid-19, if you prefer) was a distant problem. It was something other people in other places…

Posts published by “Aubrey Hawkins”
I’m a cryptocurrency and blockchain writer, researcher, and consultant. I have been involved in the space since 2011, and my work has been featured in CoinDesk, Bitcoin Magazine, The Block, Decrypt Media, and other publications. I’m a regular speaker at industry conferences and I’m also the founder of Crypto Profile, a service that helps people to do research.
“What a crazy day,” Kim said yesterday after she got home from work. “Coronavirus?” I asked. “Yeah,” she said. “My schedule fell apart, which I…
Happy birthday to me! Today, I turn fifty-one. Holy cats, that’s old! It’s also a very, very strange time in this world. Kim and I…
Yesterday, as I do most Fridays, I sent the GRS Insider to folks who subscribe to the Get Rich Slowly email list. The email was…
Yesterday in the /r/financialindependence community on Reddit, /u/mkengland asked a seemingly innocent question: What made you stop planning/researching financial independence and actually start? Was there…